I Am Peppermint

I Am Peppermint utilizes the power of Peppermint Essential Oil to provide a strong & refreshing scent with a minty aroma. It has the potential to invoke an uplifting and refreshing feeling, and can be used in aromatherapy for a host of other beneficial effects.

INGREDIENTS: Memtha piperita

USES: May enhance mental clarity, ease headaches, sinus, colds & flu. Wonderful diluted in a carrier oil & massaged over tummy for cramps, diarrhoea, nausea. Or massaged into fatigued muscles. Can be found in the I Am Rejuvenated Range.

CAUTION: Avoid during breastfeeding, children <6 (spearmint alternative), very high blood pressure, if taking homeopathic remedies, cardiac fibrillation.

NB - I Am Aromatics does not recommend ingesting.