Sleep Well With These Few Simple Stratagies

Sleep Well With These Few Simple Stratagies

March 14, 2023

If you are going through a period of sleeplessness or need to change up your bedtime routine. We have a few good ideas that may just help you get back on track.

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Taking Time For Yourself

Taking Time For Yourself

February 27, 2023

" Aromatherapy is such a beautiful complementary therapy to support, nurture & heal "

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dry skin brush

Why Dry Skin Brushing ?

February 27, 2023

Dry skin brushing removes dead skin cells and allows the "I Am Aromatic's" body oils to deeply penetrate the skin and work their wonder. 

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Smooth Fine Lines + Deeply Hydrate The Skin

Smooth Fine Lines + Deeply Hydrate The Skin

February 27, 2023

Internal and environmental stressors can play a big role in the health of our skin.  That is why I have always been a big fan of keeping my skincare natural and fresh using cold pressed oils for my face.  From straight up Rosehip, Vitamin E, Almond Oil, Carrot oil just to name a few. 

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I Am Healthy Affirmation

I Am Healthy Affirmation

November 07, 2022

"Radiant energy flows through me, I Am Healthy"  Learn & practice this timeless affirmation with us.

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Cleaning Your Ultra Sonic Vaporiser

Cleaning Your Ultra Sonic Vaporiser

November 13, 2020

With just a little TLC your essential oil diffuser will keep working for you and your family, calming minds, healing ailments, & creating a beautiful atmosphere in your space or home. Enjoy xx

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Heavenly Harmonious

Heavenly Harmonious

June 17, 2020

To feel harmonious, balanced and content is a heavenly thought. As women we feel compelled to rush about our day, pushing through each task and thinking about what must be done next. The “rushing woman” requires high levels of stamina to maintain this lifestyle, energy eventually becomes depleted and can cause major disruptions to the fascinating physiology of our interconnected nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems.

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Grief and The Healing Properties Of Essential Oils

Grief and The Healing Properties Of Essential Oils

November 13, 2018

GRIEF: The moment and memory are so familiar, intense, surreal, so far away yet so strangely close. It then gently passes like a boat sailing over the gradual swell at sea.

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