• Heavenly Harmonious

by Melissa Gale

To feel harmonious, balanced and content is a heavenly thought. As women we feel compelled to rush about our day, pushing through each task and thinking about what must be done next. The “rushing woman” requires high levels of stamina to maintain this lifestyle.  Energy eventually becomes depleted and can cause major disruptions to the fascinating physiology of our interconnected nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems.

The constant surge of adrenaline causes the body to release more cortisol then is necessary, you know the term, right? Flight, Fight or Freeze.

The long-term effects of the “rushing woman’s” mentality can lead to extreme exhaustion and adrenal insufficiency, bringing an array of symptoms including headaches, digestive complaints, sleeplessness, aches & pains, anxiety & depression. In response to the consistent load of stress, female hormones oestrogen & progesterone are disrupted and an unbalanced menstrual cycle can result.

Reaching for another coffee, sweet treat or alcoholic beverage for a quick fix, or to take the edge off is not ideal long term. Swapping them out for something like a magnesium rich Cacao Smoothie as recommended by Doctor Verena in her article THE MAGNESIUM CONNECTION is a healthier alternative.

When harmony is disrupted symptoms of PMS, peri menopause & menopause go to a new level of discomfort, pain & frustration. I personally know this all to well. Hindsight has led me to recognise these signs in myself, as has years of supporting women through their life struggles as a massage & aromatherapist. It is an obvious observation but practising what you preach is still a lesson being learnt.

Herbs and essential oils have been traditionally used for millennia to support the sacred female systems. Simple, natural and beautiful remedies used as an accompaniment and tool to ease these fluctuating moments and restore us to our natural harmonious state. As women we are instinctively drawn to beautiful things such as gems and crystals that have a life force within that can support our needs. The Moonstone gem is known to soothe stress and stabilise emotions. Gem care pieces are designed to support our delicate systems, such as this gorgeous MOONSTONE RING from Desiderate.

The use of essential oils is well researched, oils that were once macerated (usually soaked in olive oil) are now replaced with potent distilled versions, focusing on their unique properties to assist in alleviating symptoms and bringing about harmony.

Using a combination of essential oils enhances each of the oils ability to target the cells and systems where it can then bring about healing and harmony.

The I AM HARMONIOUS BLENDS are floral, feminine, & soothing. Listed here are the Key Properties each oil was chosen for.

LAVENDER – Sweetly floral & woody, anti-inflammatory, to calm, soothe & heal, brings synergy & connection between the other oils.

YLANG YLANG - Sensually floral, to combat depression, invoke the feminine energy within & to calm & regulate mood swings.

FRANKINCENSE - Warm woody, spicy & sweetly balsamic, relieving & tonifying for the uterus especially for heavy periods. Calming & spiritually centering.

EGYPTIAN GERANIUM - Sweet & heavy with a minty rose overtone, regulating effects on the adrenal glands & endocrine systems. Helps to relieve fluid retention & heavy bleeding. NB - avoid this oil if you are on any oestrogen medication.

CLARY SAGE - Floral fruity & slightly nutty aroma, assists in relieving depression, cramping, hot flashes (sweating), inflammation, calming & sedative effects. NB - avoid if pregnant.

ROSE - Deeply sweet & rosy, beautiful for easing menstrual pain, lifting depression, easing grief & heartache. Nurturing, & calming on the nervous system. The ultimate essential oil for self LOVE. NB - avoid during pregnancy.

Including aromatherapy products into your daily routine, is a beautiful way to love, nurture & heal yourself. 

To view the products in the I AM HARMONIOUS floral & feminine range CLICK HERE

Melissa Gale
Melissa Gale


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